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The Calculator helps you to Identify your core issues. Once you have identified them, you are then guided to a Soulution based on your Achievement Number (AN). What is most interesting about the solution for every AN is, regardless of the AN, the solution is always 9; make your Self your first priority, do what you love, and act and think for the highest good of all. Live the 9 solution and life challenges and karmic challenges begin to dissolve.
The solution of nine indicates that we must overcome the fears associated with that aspect of our Self we call Ego (Our physical self: feelings, emotions, behavior patterns; abandonment issues.) We must learn to stop doing things to be loved, accepted, or to maintain control and start doing what we love.
The interpretations provided for the numbers 1 – 9, encompass both extremes of two universally demonstrated reactive behavior patterns: control issues involving doing or not doing for others, and resisting allowing others to do for you, and co-dependency issues of doing to be loved, accepted, or in control (both patterns are reactive.) By developing the courage and faith to proactively follow your passions, doing what you love, and making yourself your first priority, all reactive behavior patterns can be neutralize.
The Calculator also identifies your Life Challenge numbers. There can be as many as four Life Challenges. Every number has a challenge; every challenge has a solution. The more reactive life choices we make (to be loved, accepted, or in control,) the more intense our challenges. The more proactive choices we make, the easier it becomes to achieve our destiny and fulfill our life’s calling.
Another aspect that the Calculator identifies is your Karmic Challenge. Challenges are nothing more than aspects of our adventure that have so scared us mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually that we have refused to acknowledge them, let alone resolve them. The approaching New Age, a new 26,000 year astrological cycle, is much like the carrot dangled before us at the end of a stick, enticing but just out of reach. In this lifetime, we have the opportunity to learn how to move the stick towards us so that the carrot winds up in our mouths, our appetites satisfied, our hungers resolved, our ego (physical) and soul (celestial) integrated. We move the stick by resolving our Karmic Lessons through proactive actions.
I would like to remind you, the Cosmic Soul, unlike the fear based Earth bound, Ego (physical and emotional self), will never take on more than it is capable of dealing with in a lifetime – not even by a single molecule. It has provided "soulutions" for every challenge we will ever encounter. When we accept our origins as being part of the ever-expanding potential of the Cosmos, and remember we are one of many and many in one, our Achievement Number (AN) then flips from identifying our core issue(s) to becoming our greatest strength(s). The more proactive life choices we make, the quicker our Life Challenges and Karma begin to dissolve.

Once you have subscribed, enter your name exactly as it appears on your birth certificate and your date of birth. You can then ask a question. The Calculator automatically performs a series of calculations and compiles a report based on your question.

Any query is acceptable, however using what, why, and how as the preface to your query, will provide the most accurate numeric responses (including dreams.) Choose your words carefully and yet let them flow out; they represent preconscious energy patterns. Every letter has a numeric frequency that reveals the reactive and proactive behavior patterns that influence our perceptions of reality. Think of yourself as having a conversation with the Calculator, pose follow up questions based on the initial answer to your query. Stay on the same topic; if the first question was preface by “Why,” the follow up question could start with “How,” as in How do I – overcome – change – improve – release – begin. It could also start with “What,” as in What do I do next? Or, What do I need to stop doing?

Karmic Challenges are nothing more than aspects of our adventure that have so scared us mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually that we have refused to acknowledge them, let alone resolve them. The approaching New Age, a new 26,000 year astrological cycle, is much like the carrot dangled before us at the end of a stick, enticing but just out of reach. In this lifetime, we have the opportunity to learn how to move the stick towards us so that the carrot winds up in our mouths, our appetites satisfied, our hungers resolved, our ego (physical) and soul (celestial) integrated. We move the stick by resolving our Karmic Lessons through proactive actions.

Karmc Challenges

The creation of this Calculator is an outgrowth from my book "Numerology for Healing" (Destiny Books 2009). I use an English version of the ancient Mesopotamian – Greek – Judaic art of Gematria, along with a proprietary hybrid mathematical system of Numeric Daisy Chains (NDCs,) to help identify, and resolve, the reactive emotional and psychological behavior patterns that are the catalysts for our behavioral patterns and 185 health issues. The principles associated with interpreting NDCs can be applied to any discipline, situation, or interaction, thus enabling a deeper understanding of how perceptions form the threads of our interactions.
This is what a 1 numeric daisy chain (NDC), generated by a 1 Achievement Number (AN) looks like,
1 1 9 8 7 4 3 5 4 7 6 2 1.
Superscripted numbers represent reactive behavior patterns (doing to be loved, accepted, or in control) and full size numbers represent conscious proactive choices. Numeric strings range in length from three to thirteen digits.